Price Match Guarantee

We’re not happy until you’re happy...

We’re so confident in our prices that if you find one of our products cheaper elsewhere, we promise to try and beat their price*.

We know how frustrating it is for our loyal customers to see our products advertised elsewhere at a cheaper price and our team are checking prices daily to try and stop this happening. However, on the rare occasion that something slips through the net, we’re determined to offer you the same great Kingfisher service at a matched price.

To see if we can match or beat a price that you’ve been quoted elsewhere, contact our sales team on 01777 858009 or email us at Our sales team will take some details from you or request that you send us a written quote to make sure your item is eligible, and we’ll do our best to improve the price. If it meets our terms and conditions, we’ll apply the new price and process the order for you.

*Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Price match must be applied before a purchase is complete
  • You may be required to supply us with a quotation
  • The competitor’s price must include delivery costs
  • The competitor’s price can’t include promotional vouchers or online codes
  • The product must be brand new and be the same make and model
  • The competitor must be based in the UK
  • Kingfisher Direct Limited reserve the right to withdraw the price match guarantee at any time